Artspace 2022 Members’ Biennial
November 11 - December 17, 2022
Various media
Featured artists include: Judith Anderson, Susanne K. Arnold, Menna Beidjeu, Joy Black, Susan Cary, Alice Anne Ellis, Jo Farris, Steve Ferretti, Elisabeth Flynn-Chapman, Kay Franz, Dana Frostick, Donna Frostick, Sandhi Schimmel Gold, Elaine Harris, Ed Holten, Sue Jachimiec, Richelle Kaufman-Anderson, Jere Kittle, Lisa Lezell Levine, Lew Lott, Martin McFadden LRPS, Carol Meese, Susan Moncure, Dallas Mosman, Annette Norman, S. Nye-Moran, Carl Patow, Michael Pierce, Martha Prideaux, Elaine Rogers, Rob Ryder, Janet Scagnelli, Linda Shields, Ed Tepper, Paul "Buddy" Terrell, Heidi Thacker, and Kathleen Westkaemper.
Visit our SHOP to purchase artwork from this exhibition from November 11 - December 17, 2022.
Susan Moncure, "Jones Neck Marsh," Pastel, 25 x 32.5
Carl Patow, "From the Hand of the River," Digital Image, 15x18
Elaine Harris, "The Shape of water," Watercolor pigment on Yupo, 20x26
Ed Tepper, "American Pride," Encaustic enveloped photograph on board, 16x20
Jo Farris, "The Emerald City," Oil on Birch Panel, 48x36x1.5
Judith Anderson, "Blue Canoe," 18x24
Kathleen Westkaemper, "James River Rocks II," Oil paint stick and pencil on 34 cradled board 12 x 12 with the sides painted black
Kay Franz, "Dried River dome," Clay, 12x12x4
Linda Shields, "River time VIII," Oil on canvas framed, 36 x 48
Lisa Levine, "Tangier Island is sinking," Acrylic and ink, 9x12
Robin Ryder, "Big Fish at the Falls, 2022," Quilted painting, 30" x 39" x 1/2"
Sandhi Schimmel Gold, "Water, Water, Everywhere," Mixed, 24x36
Elisabeth Flynn-Chapman, "Irish Green," Photography, 20.25x25.25
Jere Kittle, "Tokens of Affection #2," 14 x 14 inch framed with black mats. Each "Token" circle is 8 inches in diameter. Edition of five.
Menna Beidjeu, "Natural désordre," Acrylic, 28”x34”
Alice Anne Ellis, "You're Never Alone on the River, 2022," Mixed media and collage, 20 x 16 x 1.5
Annette Norman, "River Steps," Oil, 18x24
Susanne K. Arnold, "The girl and the cat went to the James in a beautiful blue-green boat. They took some honey and plenty of money wrapped in a five pound note." Ceramic sculpture, 8x5.5x4
Carol Meese, "Birds of a feather," 2022, Latex acrylic ink graphite thread, 54x36
Donna Frostick (left side) & Dana Frostick (right side), "Pony Pasture, Winter," 2022 (diptych), Sharpie and acrylic on canvas, 36x48
Dallas Mosman, "Along the James #1," 2022, Oil on canvas, 9 x 12
Elaine Rogers, "Hold On," Oil and Wax on Panel, 40" x 30" x 1.5"
Heidi Thacker, "Heron Now," Mixed on Wood with Mirror, Approx 10" diameter
Janet Scagnelli, "Haxall Point," 2022 (part of triptych), Gouache, 11.5 x 14.5 each piece, framed separately.
Joy Black, "Over Under Thru," 2022, Acrylic paint on canvas, 22" x 22" x 1.5"
Lew Lott, "Sirens of the James," Iridescent gold, acrylic & oil on aluminum, 51x33x1
Martha Prideaux, "Escape #1," (triptych), Oil, 8" x 18"
Martin McFadden LRPS, "Stand Pipe," Archival Pigment Print, 16" X 16"
Michael Pierce, "once in a lifetime," (diptych), Oil pastels and graphite on paper, 62 x 30
S. Nye-Moran, "James River Water Shed-Hazardous Waste Sites," Watercolor, 15.25 x 22.5
Richelle Kaufman-Anderson, "See Shells by the Seashore," Acrylic on canvas, 30.5x24
Sue Jachimiec, "Pony Pasture Rocks," Oil and Wax, 40x30x1.5
Susan Cary, "River Dance," 2022, Acrylic, oil stick, 32"x42"x3"
Paul Terrell, "James River Fall Line series, Cavity," Raku fired ceramic, 18.5x11.75x3
Steve Ferretti, "Watershed," Acrylic on Canvas, 30" x 30" x 1.5"
Ed Holten, "States - Fluid (City Point VA) 2022," Archival Giclee photographic print, 16 x 20 x 1