Sponsors and Supporters
Artspace is Supported in part by grants from:
Allan and Margot Blank Foundation
CultureWorks Richmond
Virginia Commission for the Arts
National Endowment for the Arts
Gwyneth’s Gift Foundation
Artspace is Sponsored in part by:
2024 Individual Contributors
Tarynn Witten
Alice Southworth
Judith Anderson
Elisabeth Flynn-Chapman
Deborah Little Bowser
Mary Toothman
Kitty Hardt — In Celebration of Ron and Michael's 50th Anniversary
Susan Cary
Heidi Thacker
Anne Savedge
Barbara Ingber
Joy Black
Mary Stanley
Lisa Lezell Levine
Margaret Fiala
Chris Hull
Hajnalka Woosley
Susan Baldridge
Beth Marschak
Debbie Downing
Margerie DuBois
Eva Redford
Margaret Avery
Kathi Lee
Mary Jane Newbill
Brooke Winker
Thea Paul
Dana Frostick
Mary Susan Lamson
Beq Parker
Dan and Nancy Heller — In honor of Anna Freeman
2024 Corporate Contributors
Adamhop Music
Boyd Realty Group
Central Region Virginia Art Education Association
Walton Gallery
Kroger Rewards
2023 Individual Contributors
Margery Albertini
Phoebe Antrim
Bill Barrett
Margaret Bates
Marjorie Bertolino
Jim Black
Eugenia Borum
Lisa Burge
James Michael Burke
Gregg Carbo
Susan and Stuart Cary
Wesley Childress
Sara and Scott Clark
Chris Delfs
Paula Delfs
Jennifer Dominick
Kathy Duke
Min Enghauser
Cynthia Erdahl
Lin Ferrell
Elisabeth Flynn-Chapman
Kay Franz
Dana Frostick
Donna Frostick
Randy Frostick
Wren Frostick
Brian Gearing
Stella Graham-Landau
Shima Grover — In honor of Jeff Debes
Marion Harris
Randi Hill
Marian Hollowell
Gloria Holwerda
Mitzi Humphrey
Rob Humphreys
Helen Ilnicky
Joyce Jewell
Catherine Johnson
Kay Judson
Lou Ann Kemp Daniel
Meda Lane
Garth Larcen
Cecilia Lewis
Linda Lewis
Alfred & Dace Magness
Martin McFadden
Frank Mercado
Annette Norman
Carl and Sue Patow
Martha Prideaux
Siv Ranko
Eleanory Rufty Carlyon
Jennifer L. Sager Gentry
— In honor of Alice Anne Ellis
Margaret Scott
Joe and Suzanne Seipel
Linda Shields
Goldsticker Sissel
Cathreine Slichenmyer
Patti and Irvin Stein
Inge Strack
Mara Thacker
Heidi Thacker
Susan Van Der Eb Greene
Tom Via
Irene Ward
Kathleen Westkaemper
David R. White
2023 Corporate Contributors
Adamhop Music
Amazon Smile
America Online Giving Causes
Central Region Virginia Art Education Association
HCA Healthcare
Kroger Rewards
Network for Good
OpenSpace Education
RVA Baroque
Donate anytime to Artspace
Artspace is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit gallery for the visual and performing arts, creating space for the arts to thrive. EIN #62-1375828.
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