Theme & Variations
Spring Semester 2023

June 23 - July 22, 2023
Elisabeth Flynn-Chapman Gallery

Work From Brightpoint Spring 2023 Semester Advanced Watercolor Classes

Featuring: Diana Cole, Paula Delfs, Cece Gallo, Carina Gonzalez, Elaine Harris, Hannah Jones, Roni Kingsley, April Painter, Beq Parker, James Parker, Vickyle Payton, Janet Scagnelli, Amy Tetterton.

Instructor Michael A. Pierce’s advanced watercolor students from the Brightpoint Community College spring semester were asked to create a body of work reacting the theme “family.” Selections from each student’s body of work are included in this exhibition.

Coming Soon: Each student’s full body of work will be available to view on the Brightpoint Community College “Student Exhibitions” website at: https://www.brightpoint.edu/academics/career-clusters/arts-communications/student-exhibitions/

Image: “Nathan” by Roni Kingsley, watercolor on paper, 28 x 22 in.

Image: “Nathan” by Roni Kingsley. 2023, 16.5 x 11.5 in., watercolor and ink on paper.

Roni made a career of studying and teaching about marine invertebrates before she started painting. She created a body of work revealing members of her family paired with marine invertebrates that she sees reflecting their lives and personalities. This is a painting of her son Nathan.