Tea Juried Exhibition

March 20 - April 20, 2024


"TEA" is a National juried exhibition of clay forms related to the service of Tea (teapots, tea bowls, tea caddies, tea cups, etc).

Juror: Mitch Iburg
Curator: John Jessiman


Award Winners

Best in Show:
Jonathan Steele

2nd Place:
Carrie Anne Parks

3rd Place:
Cooper Jeppesen

Honorable Mentions:
Steve Hilton
Terita Heath-Wlaz
Madeline Kaczmarczyk

Curator’s Purchase Award:
Jeff Shapiro

Juror: Mitch Iburg.
Mitch Iburg is a ceramic artist working extensively with wild clay and mineral resources foraged in Minnesota. Through various approaches to testing, making, and firing, his studio practice embraces the overlapping languages of vessel making, sculpture, installation, and teaware. 


Tea sits at the heart of many of the world’s most important ceremonies and traditions. Through its cultivation, preparation, and consumption, Tea has not only shaped human civilization, but has created one of the world’s most diverse platforms for artistic expression and cultural exchange. 

This exhibition highlights the widespread influence of Tea; its wares, rituals and aesthetics within the field of contemporary ceramics. From Chawan to Tea Pots, Gaiwan to Tea Caddies, many artists throughout the world use teaware as a tool for utilitarian and sculptural exploration. ‘TEA’ aims to showcase a diverse array of these voices and their efforts to embrace tradition and push boundaries. 

Congratulations to the award winners of Tea

Juror’s selections:

Anne Bernard-Pattis, Ray Brown, Asta Bubliene, Benjamin Buchenot, Wei Cheng, Shiloh Gastello, Phil Haralam, Terita Heath-Wlaz, Jillian Heusohn, Matt Hiller, Steve Hilton, Marc Jeannin, Cooper Jeppesen, Rachael Marne Jones, Madeline Kaczmarczyk, Lucien Koonce, Jacob Krieger, Huey Lee, Paul A, McCoy, Polina Miller, Kristin Müller, Jasmine Oakley, Alex Olson, Carrie Anne Parks, Jenna Ritter, Caroline Roberts, Loren Scherbak, Annie Schliffer, Jeff Shapiro, Piper Smith, Jonathan Steele, Tim Steinmann, Brandon Stolicny, Jordan Taylor, Henry Evan Thomas, Jessica Wilson