Sara Clark / Hidden Variables

February 23 - March 16, 2024


My body of work focuses on the reality and life of mental objects. The unseen masquerade as the seen, not only in the mind's eye but as an immediate visual experience. To realize this, I choreograph a range of forms and present them in a variety of environments.

I derive the forms from the fields of science and mathematics, specifically geometry and topology. Topology is a branch of mathematics where fundamental forms are bent, folded, and stretched in order to study their qualitative features. These features reflect aspects of physical space, dimension, and transformation. I use this visual vocabulary and modification process to actualize the aesthetics of models of thought.

Sara Clark earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art History and a Master of Fine Arts in Painting and Printmaking from Virginia Commonwealth University. She is a recipient of a Professional Fellowship Award for painting from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Sara lives and maintains her studio in Glen Allen, Virginia. She taught for over twenty years as Adjunct Faculty at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Studio School, and as Adjunct and Affiliate Graduate Faculty at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Instagram: @sclark234