Richard Rumble
Artist Statement
Richard Rumble
There’s a call and response between the world and the artist. It’s like being asked to dance—and agreeing joyfully.
Conceptually, my response to this call is often a short-hand note. Light is a powerful attractor to me, but so is darkness. Contrast stimulates me.
Thematically, I am object oriented. I am strongly drawn to human-made things. I’m interested in how these objects appear juxtaposed with nature. I love pattern making, and pattern breaking. Themes are light and dark, size—big versus small, and spatial relationships—near and far.
Emotionally, I’m always pondering—my underlying emotional tone is joy. And wonder.
Instagram: @rerumble
“Gone Fishing” - 2024, 9 x 9, Acrylic on primed Bristol
"Leaving Buddy’s House" - 2024, 7 x 7, Casein and gouache on primed Bristol
"The Carillon from Maymont" - 2024, 4 x 7, Casein and gouache on primed Bristol
"Old Stone House at Forest Hill Park" - 2024, 7 x 7, Casein and gouache on primed Bristol
"View from Pony Pasture" - 2024, 7 x 5.5, Casein and gouache on primed Bristol
“Sentinnel On Watch” watercolor on paper, 2024