Patrick Gregory
Past to Presence

August 25 - September 16, 2023


This show revolves around film and video concepts that were conceived in the  past, yet were never realized until now.

Artist Statement

When exploring ideas about “Past to Presence,” I reflected on many past  pieces that had been conceived that were never realized. One common thread I  discovered was a consistency in my aesthetic and worldview that really hasn’t  changed. Nature and one’s environment, and my desire for absolute attention in  those settings, are two of those common threads. It is often an outlook that  shows itself in a meditative way. I recall those moments of its original experience  and that need for me to be absolutely present. With the incubation of the  concept over many years (or decades), I recall that no matter when a particular  piece becomes something more than an idea or a sketch, the need for my  absolute attention returns, relative to then and now. Surprisingly, I also find myself mentally  and emotionally returning to that moment of its original inception.

— Patrick Gregory, 2023


Patrick Gregory has been visually storytelling for over twenty five years. After  graduating from Virginia Commonwealth University in 1993, he worked as a lighting  technician on Hollywood films while expanding his own artistic sensibilities by shooting  and directing his own documentaries, and experimental films and videos. Over the last  twenty five years, he has established himself as a director, cinematographer and editor  in the professional community working on a variety of projects. His work has taken him  to over 20 countries around the world.  

As a video and film fine artist, Patrick has also participated in numerous gallery shows  in Virginia, including 1708 Gallery’s, world renowned, InLight. He has also collaborated  with other artists using film and video mixed with other mediums. In addition to being a  two time recipient of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Fellowship for Filmmaking,  Patrick was awarded the Theresa Pollak Award for Excellence in the Arts for  Filmmaking and has also received multiple grants for his documentary filmmaking. His  work often revolves around nature, history, human interest and international  perspectives. His company Flexible Cinema, has a mission to explore interesting topics  and be an advocate for change through education and enlightenment. This is his third  showing at Artspace.

Website: flexiblecinema.com
Instagram: @flexiblecinema

Patrick Gregory, “Cleansing the Spirit,”  2004-2023

Patrick Gregory, “Cleansing the Spirit,” 2004-2023