Janet Scagnelli

"A career in detailed commercial art, combined with recent personal and world traumatic events has led me to create multiple series of paintings expressing chaos and serenity." 

— Janet Scagnelli


 From a series of 8.

All about the weeds I couldn’t kill and the plants I didn’t want to kill in my yard.
I felt such a victim, so I painted them and made them mine.

From a series of 4.
I captured stills from a video I shot, of photos and newspaper articles that I burned. Then drew them.

Painted in reaction to the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks in Paris.

Painted in reaction to the Charlottesville Unite The Right Rally, 2017

Painted in reaction to the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks in Paris.

Memento Mori

Artwork created by Janet Scagnelli, film by Alan Perrow.