Heidi Thacker
The Happy Place

Artspace Member Spotlight Exhibition

Mixed Media

June 28 - July 20, 2024
Elisabeth Flynn-Chapman Gallery

Artist Statement:

Ever changing with a kaleidoscope of colors, my flower garden is a happy place to be. It is my honor to share some snippets of that place.

Utilizing gesso board, acrylic paints, and posca markers, I sat outside amongst my flowers and used their blooms as the basis for my art works. The shapes, color, and patterns are a joy to behold.

While painting, I noticed the various insects and other creatures sharing the environment. By shaping them out of wood and painting their intricate patterns, these mobiles provide a feeling for the interdependent ecosystem of the garden.

Artwork by Heidi Thacker, Acrylic on Gesso board, 18x24 inches.