Ed Tepper
Encaustic Pictorialism

Artspace Member Spotlight Exhibition

October 6 - October 28, 2023
Elisabeth Flynn-Chapman Gallery

Mixed Media

Artist Statement

The process starts with an original photo which may be digitally enhanced to create a unique image. The image may be separated into layers and then printed onto multiple sheets of lightweight rice papers. The printed image is layered onto a hard substrate (usually a cradled wood board) that has been treated with encaustic medium. Heat is applied to the paper resulting in the encaustic medium rising and enveloping the paper. The process causes the thin rice paper to virtually disappear leaving only the image visible. The image looks like it’s floating on the encaustic medium, giving it a 3-D effect. Additional images may be layered on using the same technique. The next step is to add contrast and/or color by applying encaustic paints, pigment sticks, oil pastels, pan pastels and/or other elements. The result is a one-of-a-kind piece of art.


Ed is a juried member of Artspace Gallery (Chair of Exhibition Committee 2022-2023) and the Metropolitan Richmond Artists Association and is Past-President of the Richmond Digital Photo Club. His photos have been published in The Street Photographer Notebook, Snapshot, Artstonish, and Close To Home Photography Salon magazines. His solo show, Humanisms was exhibited at Anne’s Visual Arts Studio Gallery (Richmond, VA) and Artspace Gallery (Richmond, VA). His solo show “Scene Around the World” opened in June 2023 at the Electric Co Art Gallery (Bedford, VA). Additionally, his photos have been exhibited in many galleries and museums in the US.

Website: EdTepperPhotoArt.com
Instagram: @EdTepperPhotoArt