Artists at the Atelier

Visual art, poetry and music - created during, or inspired from, residencies at the Cité internationale des arts

Curated by Beth Beaven Jasper

August 23 - September 21, 2024

Donations for the atelier renovations are encouraged!
Renovations begin October 2024!
Make a donation: https://secure.myvanco.com/L-Z8R6/home

All donations to the Friends of the Virginia Center in Paris for renovation at the Cité Internationale des Arts are exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). The Friends of the Virginia Center in Paris is a registered charitable non-profit corporation approved by Virginia State Corporation Commission and the IRS.


Cité resident alumni artists participating (or represented) in this show: 
John D. Antone, Mark Baldridge, William D. Barnes, Richard Becker, Ruth Bolduan, Sally Bowring, Miguel Carter-Fisher, Barbara Crawford, Don Crow, Kerri Cushman, Corinne Diop, Paul DiPasquale, Elisabeth Flynn-Chapman, Pam Fox, JC Gilmore-Bryan, Mim Golub, Charles W. Goolsby, Reni Gower, Chris Gregson, Valerie Hardy, Myron Helfgott, Kathryn Henry-Choisser, Beth B. Jasper, Wolfgang Jasper, Sue Johnson, Brian Kreydatus, Ron Lee, Will May, Elizabeth Mead, Kelly Nelson, Carlton Newton, Amie Oliver, Michael A.Pierce, Chuck Scalin, Amy Smith, Jennifer Spoon, Javier Tapia (courtesy of Reynolds Gallery), Lisa Tubach, Bill White
Musicians: Dwight Bigler, Bruce Mahin, Ellen Cockerham Riccio, Giustino Riccio, Doug Richards, Terry Vosbein

About "Artists at the Atelier"

The Cité internationale des Arts was the brainchild of Felix and Simone Brunau and their desire in the 1950’s to create a Paris space for artists from around the world to meet, work and collaborate. With support from the city of Paris, the State, and the Académie des Beaux-Arts they were also able to attract more than 135 French and International partners to contribute to this dream project. They were able to begin construction in 1962 and welcome the first resident artists in 1965.

Virginia joined the partnership in 1966 via a $20,000 donation from a private donor and eleven universities, securing a 99-year lease for the Virginia Atelier. This has allowed professional visual and performing artists, musicians and educators connected to the universities to apply for residency at the Cité.

The Virginia Atelier at the Cité internationale des arts has long been a crucible for creative exploration for many of Virginia’s professional artists and educators. This exhibition, "Artists at the Atelier," brings together the work of past residents, celebrating the rich tapestry of artistic exploration and expression that has flourished within the walls of the Atelier.

"Artists at the Atelier" features visual art, poetry and music - created during, or inspired from, each residency. The works on display reflect the diverse influences and experiences that have shaped each artist’s practice. Themes of identity, memory, and place are interwoven throughout the exhibition, offering viewers a multifaceted exploration of contemporary art in Virginia.

The Cité Internationale des Arts, located in the heart of Paris, provides a fertile ground for artistic growth, offering residents the opportunity to immerse themselves in the city’s vibrant cultural landscape. The Virginia Atelier, in particular, has fostered a sense of community and collaboration among its residents, encouraging the exchange of ideas and the cross-pollination of artistic disciplines.

This exhibition stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of the Virginia Atelier and its role in shaping the art experience of its residents. It invites viewers to engage with the art on a deeper level, to experience the echoes of creativity and inspiration that resonate from the Virginia Atelier’s storied history.

As we celebrate the work and experience of past residents, we also look to the future with anticipation, knowing that the Virginia Atelier will continue to be a beacon for Virginia artists, nurturing their talent and propelling them into the international art community.

Proceeds from sales of show catalogs, along with a portion of artist proceeds of any resulting sales, will be donated to the non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds for the necessary renovation of the 40-year-old atelier.

Curator: Beth Beaven Jasper

About the curator:

Beth Beaven Jasper is a professional fine artist based in Richmond, VA. She began her studies in Fine Art at Radford College in the late 1970s and completed her BFA in Painting and Printmaking at VCUArts in 1997. In her final year, she received a VMFA fellowship for drawing under the name Beaven. Together with her husband, fellow artist Wolfgang Jasper, she ran a successful photography studio for over 20 years. Now, both are dedicated full-time to their painting and drawing studios.

Beth has enjoyed three shared residencies with Wolfgang at the Cité internationale des arts since 2019. These experiences have significantly influenced her work, leading her to explore new mediums and directions. Her appreciation for the enormity and value of these experiences, as well as the inclusion of Virginia artists and educators in the international arts conversation, inspired the desire for this show.

Visit our SHOP to purchase artwork from this exhibition during the run of the show.


Order the show catalog “Virginia Artists at the Atelier”

Past residents of the Virginia Atelier at Cité internationale des arts in Paris
by Beth B. Jasper et al.