Dana Frostick
Dana Frostick’s mixed media work is a combination of drawing and painting. Her goal is to allow the artwork to control its eventual outcome. To achieve this, she takes steps to prevent her influence from overcoming the piece and never begins with a preconceived idea of what she wants to create. The drawing is done in sharpie alone to allow for accidents and to prevent reworking a line or pattern. The first lines are applied in a gestural method. The paint is applied in layers. The drawing is done in sharpie alone to allow for accidents and to prevent reworking a line or pattern. The first lines are applied in a gestural method. The paint is applied in layers.

"Parachute the Shark," 2012, Sharpie & acrylic on canvas, 42x26 inches
"The Internet is Made of Cats," 2012, Sharpie and acrylic on canvas, 48x36 inches.

"Mythic Origins," 2012, Sharpie & acrylic on canvas, 42x26 inches

"Sedimentary Leopard," 2012, Sharpie & acrylic on canvas, 42x26 inches

"Don't Look Back" 2012, Sharpie & acrylic on canvas, 48x36 inches

"Perpetual Transit," 2014. Sharpie and acrylic on canvas. 42x54 inches
Dana Frostick:
coaxing order out of chaos
Artspace Member Spotlight Video Series - Part 4